Manifestation Month Challenge

So, in January, I have briefly touched on manifestation and how doing it correctly can change your life. I want to go deeper into manifestation and using it to achieve your desire. I decided to do a Manifestation Month Challenge again in July. When the new year comes around- it’s a great time for you to do the whole “New Year, New Me” thing. This year will be different though- because YOU WILL ACTUALLY MEAN IT (at least I will). During the month of July, it’s time to REFOCUS on those goals you set and put aside to deal with what life throws at you. In order to do this; I will have prompts for you to follow in order to fine-tune your manifestation skills. Each day is a different task and each task will build your focus and energy in order to be able to manifest correctly. If you follow us on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest) you will get in-depth insight to this challenge as well as daily reminders.  This blog post will go into detail about each day’s prompts. Use this through the month of January to guide you. You can do this with any size goal or desire and also do this at any point during the year. Before the new month starts, Read the previous blog post on manifestation HERE.  

Some helpful tools for this month of manifestation:

Day 1: Clear Your Mind

Try some basic breathing exercises (In through your nose, hold for 4 secs, out through your mouth with a big ‘sigh’) Spend some time quietly reflecting and releasing. Let go of all the stressors from 2020. Focus on creating the clean slate you deserve in 2021.

Day 2: Make Space In Your Life

Look around your home and office space, are there objects or items that bring out negative thoughts or are too routed in the past. Remove them and the energy along with them.  Surround yourself with things that bring positivity, optimism or growth.

Day 3: Explore Your Goal

Take a day to really think about your goals and your desires. Narrow down, prioritize, and then refocus. Think about why you want them and what it will change to get them

Day 4: Put Your Goals Into RIGHT Words

Try stating your goals you want to manifest in different ways. Once you find the right words, write them down and put those phrases where you can see them regularly. Speak them out loud when you see them.

Day 5: Make a Step-by- Step Plan

Nothing can be attained without doing actual work. A dream without a plan is just a wish. Take the goals that you want to attain from day 4 and create a step by step plan. This will help you ensure that you are working towards your goals. It will also keep you from being overwhelmed.


Day 6: Create a Vision Board/Book

One of my favorite activities is to create a vision book. It’s a great activity that allows for your creativity to flow and uplift your energy. Use magazines, comic books, photos, newspaper clip-ings, stickers, anything that inspires you and reminds you of your goals. My friends and I did our vision books right before the new moon in order to harness It’s amazing energy but you can do yours whenever you feel inspired! You can create a vision board or book for a specific desire or goal- or you can do one for all things manifestation. Ours was linked to our 2021 goals.

Day 7: Pick a Manifestation Song

Find something that really SPEAKS to you and the feelings you have associated with your chosen goals or desires. Play, Dance, Sing, Connect with the song and how it makes you feel. My current fave is Ariana Grande’s “Just Like Magic”

Day 8: Basic Visualization

Give yourself 10 minutes in a place where you can be at peace and not disturbed. Concentrate on your desires. Close your eyes, even your breathing and visualize your desires. What does life after you have attained this desire look like? How are you feeling? What do you see, smell, or hear? If the vision isn’t crystal clear- it’s totally fine! The more you do this exercise the clearer it will become and easier this task will become.

Day 9: Design Your Affirmations

Remember those phases you came up with for your goals in day 4? Using those- put together some inspirational affirmations that reinforce your belief that these desires can me attained and are yours to attain. Look in the mirror. Say them out loud. Smile. Affirmations I say to myself regularly:

“My blessings are MY blessings and nothing can change that”

“Peace, Prosperity and Power flow to me easily”

“I am able to give and receive love freely” 

Day 10: Write About Your Desires

Freewriting is a great activity for release and also reflection. Let your mind wander and see where your desires take you. Using your manifestation pen; Write down as much as you can.  What is it like? Why do you want it? How will feel to achieve it?


Day 11: Uncover Negative Thinking Patterns

Try to figure out the aspects in your life where you have limiting beliefs. Figure out where those assumptions and negative thoughts and address them. Doubt, anxiety, negative thoughts-those things block your blessings. Start by asking yourself some of these questions. What doubts or anxieties do you have towards achieving your goals. How realistic are your expectations? What lessons did you learn growing up that would make you belief manifesting doesn’t work. Figuring out these questions will make it easier for you to notice your thinking patterns and help you combat them when the arise again. 

Day 12: Challenge Negative Thinking Patterns

For each limiting belief that you found from the previous exercise, write down the reasons why you have it. Then write a new positive belief that you want to use replace the old ones. Try looking at this list once a day as a little positive reminder.

Day 13: Take Time for Yourself

Since day 11 and day 12 can be frustrating and difficult. Facing your flaws and insecurities is not an easy task. So be kind to yourself on day 13 and spend some time on self care. Do activities that relax you and boost your self-esteem. I love to take spiritual baths on my self care day- as well as relaxing with crystals.

 Day 14: Connect with an object

Find something that represents your goal/desire. It can really be anything, a piece of jewelry, ornament, try and keep it small so you can keep it with you for the remainder of the challenge. Let is serve as a reminder of your desires and what you want to attain. A Crystal Desire necklace is designed just for this purpose. I use hand held crystals as well to accomplish this. I choose a crystal that represents my goal at the time and let it bring the energy I need to my life. 


Day 15: Multi- Perspective Visualization

So we covered basic visualization for day 8. Now its time to build on that scale a little more. While visualizing your desires- create your visions as if you are a third party viewing you and your success. Notice the new details and the clarity that has started to unfold in your visualization skills.

Day 16: Create a Gratitude Journal

Using your manifestation pen- Write down things that you are grateful for today. Try to repeat this at least once a week. The universe loves gratitude and is always more inclined to assist to a grateful person. Write down how thankful you are for all the blessings you have been given and all the blessings that you will receive. They don’t have to be huge. Recognizing the importance of even the small things helps you appreciate everything surrounding you more.

Day 17: Revist Your Plan

Look back at your plan from day 5 and think about where you are on it. Do you need to change anything? Have you accomplished some things? Adjust if necessary and be proud of what you have done so far?

Day 18: Look For Signs

The Universe will show you signs that you’re on the right path. You’ll see little things like repeated phrases, new opportunities, coincidences, etc. Try to see if you notice any of these things today. You having trust in your intuition to see these signs easier.  


Day 19: Give Love

Today is a day dedicated to spreading love, kindness, compassion, and generosity. Actions like this raise your vibration to a frequency of abundance instead of lack. This puts you in the perfect position to receive your blessings and achieve your desires.

Day 20: Live “As If”

Dedicate today to living as if you have already achieved your desires. For example, If one of your goals is to find travel more- start by planning the trips you want to take, from where you will stay to what you will do. If your goal as to lose weight- buy an article or two in the desired size for some motivation. This narrows the gap between what you want and what you desire.

 Day 21: Raise Your Vibration

Do activities that keep you in a state of positivity and optimism. Keep your energy clear and avoid negative thoughts. HERE are some other suggestions to raise your vibration.

Day 22: Release What You Want to Attract

This is an important step. It is trusting in your intuition and trusting in the universe to provide what you desire, when the time is right. Its about patience and keeping your mind free from doubt. Believe in your power to manifest and release your desire to the universe. Trust that the universe will provide you with a way to have the life you desire.


 Day 23: Manifestation Techniques Practice

For the remainder of the month, I want you to try some manifestation techniques. Today, Do a little research on manifestation techniques and see if any peak your interest. You’ve already done one so far- what did you think of the vision board/book activity?

Day 24: 5x55 Method 

For 5 days, write down one of your desires 55 times each day. Keep your phrase simple and to the point. The best way to write the phrase with gratitude and is as if it is already yours. “I am grateful for the $500 I received.”

Day 25: 369 Method

Write what you want 3 times. Write the intention 6 times. Then write the completed action 9 times.

Ex Step 1: “Money, Money, Money”, Step 2: “Get money, Get money, Get money, Get money, Get money, Get money”, Step 3: “I got money, I got money, I got money, I got money, I got money, I got money, I got money, I got money. I got money.”

Day 26: Bay Leaf Method

Using a sharpie marker, write a word or 2-3 word phrase on your bay leaf. Speak out loud, thanking the universe for providing what you have written on the bay leaf. Over a fire safe bowl/container- light the bay leaf and let the ashes burn and fall into the container. Discard the ashes.

Day 27: Scripting

You had a little intro to scripting for your day 10 & 15 prompt. Visualize then write a story about your desires as if you have already attained them. Write about how achieving these goals feel, what does it look like, what can you see or hear? Let your mind roam. Be sure to stay in first person!

Day 28: Touch & Agree

This is a very hands off approach to manifesting. Sit Down with someone and write down goals that you want to accomplish. Take turns reading your goals aloud and then sign it. Afterwards, you both touch hands or embrace and agree to accomplish these things within a set time frame of your choosing. Tuck away those goals and forget about them.

Day 29: 3x33 Method

Same as the 5x55 method but a shorter routine- For 3 days, write down one of your desires 33 times each day. Keep your phrase simple and to the point. The best way to write the phrase with gratitude and is as if it is already yours. “I am grateful for the $500 I received.”

Day 30: Reflect

Revisit the prompts you completed this month. Think about the goals that you have and the plan you laid out for them. What prompts were easy for you to complete? What do you need more practice with? Give each technique a second try but don’t force it if it doesn’t work for you. Everything isn’t for everyone, so find what techniques work for you and use those more often.

Sending you the best vibes! Happy Manifesting!


Crystal Desire Featured in Redfin

