What is a Crystal Prescription?


And why do I need one?

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Our crystal prescriptions were designed to aid those on their crystal journey. Whether you are just beginning, or whether you have been on this journey for a while- it can help you. A crystal prescription is a service created by Crystal Desire. We take your responses from an in-depth questionnaire and research the crystals that are best suited for your unique situation. After the research is completed, you are sent an email containing your crystal prescription, details on how to use these crystals, as well as mantras to use with them.

Reasons you need a Crystal Prescription:

  1. You are new to crystals and don’t know where to start. (If you’re looking for a starter crystal set- look no further and click HERE).

  2. You want to learn more about crystals but you feel overwhelmed on your crystal journey. (Check out our crystal education page HERE).

  3. You have a new situation that has popped up in your life and want to know the best crystals for it.

  4. You want some assistance because the crystals you’re currently working with aren’t working for you.

  5. You want to know what crystals are best suited to help you achieve your desires.

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For someone learning about crystals for the first time, it’s a great place to start. You can learn the crystals on your prescription and it will help you remember easier because it is prescribed to you for a reason. A seasoned crystal user can also benefit from such a service. It can provide feedback and research that you may not have tried on your own journey, as well as another set of eyes to finding the crystals that will help you the most. Get your crystal prescription HERE.


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